Quality Assurance

Penempatan: Jakarta Selatan , DKI Jakarta
Kategori: Full Time
Level Posisi: -
Usia: -

Uraian Tugas

  • Design and document comprehensive test plans and cases to ensure the integrity of software releases
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and resolve issues related to databases, APIs, and integrations
  • Collaborate with back office team (user) to develop business process based on user requirement
  • Test case design and planning
  • Bug analysis
  • Continuous improvement and research of testing process, skills, techniques, quality, and efficiency

Syarat & Kualifikasi

  • Candidates must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent. D3 dan S1
  • At least 2 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Master on popular test tools such as postman
  • Strong technical skills and the ability to drive and complete testing of complex systems independently
  • Excellent logical and analytical thinking abilities to solve various technical problems
  • Strong sense of responsibility and teamwork. Proactively analyze problems and develop countermeasures to address issues faced
  • Knowledge in automation testing is plus

Skill yang dibutuhkan:

Sertifikasi yang dibutuhkan: -

Fakultas atau Jurusan yang lebih disukai: -

Kemampuan bahasa yang lebih disukai: -

Untuk disabilitas: Tidak

* Semua lamaran lowongan dan proses rekrutmen GRATIS tanpa dipungut biaya.
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