
Penempatan: Gianyar , Bali
Kategori: Full Time
Industri: Customer Service
Gaji: Rp2.500.000 - Rp3.000.000
Level Posisi: -
Usia: -

Uraian Tugas

  • Provide excellent customer services
  • Always strive towards best customer satisfaction
  • Greet customers and present menus
  • Make suggestions based on their preferences
  • Take and serve food/drinks orders
  • Arrange table settings
  • Keep tables clean and tidy at all times
  • Check products for quality 
  • Deliver checks and collect payments
  • Cooperate and communicate with all serving and kitchen staff
  • Adhere to all relevant health department rules/regulations and all customer service guidelines

Syarat & Kualifikasi

  • Min 1 year experience in the same or similar role.
  • Dynamic person, good actitud, adaptable and good team player.
  • Able to join immediately.
  • Fluent English.
  • Must include a self-introduction video using English

Skill yang dibutuhkan:

Sertifikasi yang dibutuhkan: -

Fakultas atau Jurusan yang lebih disukai: -

Kemampuan bahasa yang lebih disukai: -

Untuk disabilitas: Tidak

* Semua lamaran lowongan dan proses rekrutmen GRATIS tanpa dipungut biaya.
Apabila terdapat pihak yang meminta bayaran dalam bentuk apapun (seperti uang muka, modal kerja, atau biaya lainnya) dalam proses rekrutmen harap melapor kepada REDY Care melalui WhatsApp 0878-2077-7396.